Emergency Info
For information on emergency school closures and bus route changes call the
B-ESD HOTLINE 360-542-3420
or tune into your local TV or Radio Station or
check online : https://www.flashalert.net/id/BurlingtonEdison
Sign up for Flash Alert https://www.flashalert.net/signup
Learn more about B-ESD Inclement Weather resources here.

Procedimientos Climáticos y Rutas de Nieve
School Safety
B-ESD has Crisis Management Plans in place at each school and a District-wide Crisis and Emergency Response Plan. Students, parents/guardians, and staff can utilize our SafeSchools tip line by calling or texting 855.714.0195 to anonymously report safety or other concerns at individual schools. Tips can also be emailed to 1377@alert1.us. Tips are investigated and handled internally or forwarded to Burlington Police or Skagit County Sheriff Department, as appropriate. In the event of an emergency, the District will publicize information for parents on our website, www.be.wednet.edu; via Skyward’s Family Access, a web-based notification system that enables us to send messages via email and telephone; via social media, @b_eschools; and through local media outlets, as permitted.Please be assured that we take many other precautions to help ensure the safety of our students. If you have questions or concerns about school safety, please contact your child's principal
Subscribe to B-E alerts at https://www.flashalert.net/id/BurlingtonEdison.
Messenger app: Download the FlashAlert Messenger app for iOS or Android or snap these QR codes:
Safety Protocols - Click on images below to download
Cold Weather Shelters
Daytime Resources:
Senior Centers are open today 8am-4pm. People of all ages who want to stay warm and spend time with others are welcome to visit.
45821 Railroad Avenue
715 Pacific
1011 Greenleaf Ave
Mount Vernon
1401 Cleveland Ave
1701 22nd Street
Overnight Shelters:
Where: Concrete Volunteer Fire Department, 45396 Main Street, Concrete
When: Beginning at 5pm Friday, Feb 8
*Will be accepting families with children as well as adults for shelter.
Anacortes Corps of The Salvation Army, 3001 R Avenue, Anacortes. The shelter is open daily from 5:30pm-7:30am through mid-February. Single adults can access the shelter by going directly to the R Avenue location. Friendly dogs are welcome. Breakfast and Dinner are provided.
*This shelter primarily serves adults; families with children seeking shelter in Anacortes are encouraged to call The Salvation Army at (360)293-6682, or call the Anacortes Family Center at (360)293-2993
Mount Vernon
Open nightly at the Mount Vernon Seventh Day Adventist Church through late March. To access the shelter on a night-by-night basis, guests must visit Friendship House's Administrative Office at 1002 S. Third Street, Mount Vernon between 5 and 6pm to get on the list. Guests will meet vans at 6:45pm to be taken over to the church shelter. Background checks will be completed only to screen for violent crimes and sex offenses. Friendly dogs are welcome. Dinner is available at Friendship House café from 5:30-6:30pm, and limited sack breakfasts are available at the shelter.
*Adults only shelter.
Other Shelters
Families seeking shelter can also visit the Housing Resource Center at Community Action (330 Pacific Place, Mount Vernon, WA) or the Anacortes Family Center at 2702 Commercial Avenue, Anacortes, WA. Call 360-416-7585 to check hours.