6000 Program Planning Budget Preparation
6010 Fiscal Year
6020 System of Funds and Accounts
6021 Interfund Loans
6040 Expenditures In Excess of Budget
6050 General Fund Reserve
6100 Revenues From Local, State, and Federal Sources
6101 Grant Applications
6102 District Fundraising Activities
6106 Allowable Costs for Federal Programs
6111 Tuition
6112 Rental or Lease of District Real Property
6113 Rental of Music Instruments
6114 Gifts
6115 Staff Recognition Incentives
6116 Recognition for Non-Staff Members
6119 Uncollected Non-Tax Revenue
6120 Investment of Funds
6120 Purchasing Authorization and Control
6212 Change Cards
6213 Reimbursement For Travel Expenses
6215 Expense Claim Certification and Approval
6216 Reimbursement for Goods and Services Warrants
6220 Bid or Request for Proposal Requirements
6230 Relations With Vendors
6240 Food and Beverage Consumption
6250 Cellular Telephones
6500 Risk Management
6511 Staff Safety
6512 Infection Control Program
6513 Workplace Violence Prevention
6530 Insurance
6535 Student Insurance
6540 School Districts Responsibility for Privately Owned Property
6570 Property Data and Records Management
6600 Transportation
6605 Student Safety Walking to School
6608 Video Cameras on School Buses
6620 Special Transportation
6625 Private Vehicle Transportation
6630 Driver Training and Responsibility
6640 School Owned Vehicles
6690 Contracting For Transportation Services
6700 Nutrition Health and Physical Education
6701 Recess and Physical Activity
6800 Operations and Maintenance of School Property
6801 Capital Assets and Theft Sensitive Assets
6810 Energy Management Education
6815 Advertising on District Property
6881 Disposal of Surplus Equipment or Materials
6882 Sale of Real Property
6883 Closure of Facilities
6884 Naming Facilities
6890 State Environmental Policy Art Compliance
6895 Pesticide Notification Posting
6900 Facilities Planning
6905 Site Acquisition
6910 Construction Financing
6921 Educational Specifications
6923 Energy Conservation
6925 Architect and Engineering Services
6950 Contractor Assurances, Surety Bonds, and Insurance
6955 Maintenance of Records
6957 Change Orders
6959 Acceptance of Completed Projects
6971 Works of Art