4330 Cooperation With Private And Parochial Schools And Day Care Agencies

Cooperation With Private And Parochial Schools And Day Care Agencies

The district shall cooperate with private and parochial schools, including day care agencies, both in federally assisted programs and other aspects of district operations in ways that are permitted by law. The primary obligation of the district shall be to its students, and such cooperation shall not interfere with or diminish the quality of services offered to its students.

Legal References:

RCW 28A.150.350 Part-time students — Defined — Enrollment authorized — Reimbursement for costs — Funding authority recognition — Rules, regulations

RCW 28A.235.120 Lunchrooms — Establishment and operation — Personnel for — Agreement for

RCW 28A.205 Educational Centers

Adoption Date: 10/26/2009