4300P - Limiting Immigration Enforcement in Schools Procedure
Limiting Immigration Enforcement in Schools
“Civil immigration warrant” means any warrant for a violation of federal civil immigration law issued by a federal immigration authority. A “civil immigration warrant” includes, but is not limited to, administrative warrants entered in the national crime information center database, warrants issued on ICE Form I-200 (Warrant for Arrest of Alien), Form I-205 (ICE Administrative Warrant), or prior or subsequent versions of those forms, which are not court orders.
“Court order” and “judicial warrant” mean a directive issued by a judge or magistrate under the authority of Article III of the United States Constitution or Article IV of the Washington Constitution or otherwise authorized under the Revised Code of Washington. A “court order” includes, but is not limited to, judicially authorized warrants and judicially enforced subpoenas. Such orders, warrants, and subpoenas do not include civil immigration warrants, or other administrative orders, warrants or subpoenas that are not signed or enforced by a judge or magistrate as defined in this section.
“De-identified” means information that does not identify an individual and with respect to which there is no reasonable basis to believe that the information can be used to identify an individual.
“F-1 Visa” is a United States (U.S.) visa for foreign national students who wish to attend educational institutions in the U.S., of these levels:
Private elementary school (non-U.S. citizens are not allowed to attend U.S. public elementary schools on an F-1 visa);
High school;
University and college; and
Other institutions, such as a language training program.
“Federal immigration authority” means any on-duty officer, employee, or person otherwise paid by or acting as an agent of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) including, but not limited to, its sub-agencies, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Customs and Border Protection (CBP), United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and any present or future divisions thereof charged with immigration enforcement. “Federal immigration authority” includes, but is not limited to, the Enforcement & Removal Operations(ERO) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) of ICE, or any person or class of persons authorized to perform the functions of an immigration officer as defined in the Immigration and Nationality Act.
“Immigration or citizenship status” means as such status as has been established to such individual under the Immigration and Nationality Act.
“J-1 Visa” is the visa designated for students and exchange program participants who belong to: Au Pairs, Camp Counselor, Government Visitors, Interns, International Visitors, Interns, International Visitors, Physicians, Professors and Research Scholars, Short-term scholars, specialists in different areas, university students, secondary school students, teachers, trainees, work and travel participants. Those who come to the U.S. under this visa program cannot bring dependents to the U.S.
“Language services” includes but is not limited to translation, interpretation, training, or classes. “Translation” means written communication from one language to another while preserving the intent and essential meaning of the original text. “Interpretation” means transfer of an oral communication from one language to another.
“Law enforcement agency” or “LEA” means any agency of the state of Washington (state) or any agency of a city, county, special district, or other political subdivision of the state (local) that is a “general authority Washington law enforcement agency,” as defined by RCW 10.93.020, or that is authorized to operate jails or maintain custody of individuals in jails; or to operate juvenile detention facilities or to maintain custody of individuals in juvenile detention facilities; orto monitor compliance with probation or parole conditions.
“Local government” means any governmental entity other than the state, federal agencies, or an operating system established under chapter 43.52 RCW.It includes, but is not limited to, cities, counties, school districts, and special purpose districts. It does not include sovereign tribal governments.
“Notification request” means a federal immigration authority’s request for affirmative notification from a state or locallaw enforcement agency of an individual’s release from the LEA’s custody. “Notification request” includes, but is not limited to, oral or written requests, including DHS Form I-247A, Form I-247N, or prior or subsequent versions of those forms.
“M-1 Visa” is designed for students enrolled in vocational and non-academic education, excluding language courses. This includes, but is not limited to, technical courses, cooking classes, flight school, cosmetology, etc.
“Personal information” means names, date of birth, addresses, GPS [global positioning system] coordinates or location, telephone numbers, email addresses, social media handles or screen names, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, parents’ or affiliates’ names, biometric data, or other personally identifiable information. “Personal information” does not include immigration or citizenship status.
“Public schools” or “Local education agency” means any and all public elementary and secondary schools under the jurisdiction of local governing boards or a charter school board and all institutions of higher education as defined in RCW 28B.10.016.
“Sensitive location” refers to the 2011 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and 2013 Customs and Border Enforcement (CBP) policies which categorize certain locations as sensitive locations that should generally be avoided for immigration enforcement purposes. Accordingly, “sensitive location” includes health facilities, places of worship, and schools.
“School resource officer” means a commissioned law enforcement officer in the state of Washington with sworn authority to uphold the law and assigned by the employing police department or sheriff ’s office to work in schools to ensure school safety. By building relationships with students, school resource officers work alongside public school administrators and staff to help students make good choices. School resource officers are encouraged to focus on keeping students out of the criminal justice system when possible and not impose criminal sanctions in matters that are more appropriately handled within the educational system.
“State agency” has the same meaning as provided in RCW 42.56.010.
Legal References:
RCW 43.10.310 – Immigration enforcement model policies;
Management Resources:
2020 – August Issue
Updated Date: 08.20
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