4260F2 Addendum to Facilities Use Agreement

Application And Agreement For Use Of School Facilities/equipment

The application for use of school facilities/equipment is approved subject to the following regulations:

  • Tobacco/alcohol/drug use is not permitted in school buildings or grounds. Groups or individuals using school facilities accept responsibility for enforcement of this rule.

  • The use of open flames, candles and fires of any type are not permitted in school buildings or grounds. Groups or individuals using school facilities accept responsibility for enforcement of this rule.

  • Food and drink are limited to non-carpeted areas.

  • The district reserves the right to cancel, upon short notice, any meeting or activity in any district facility.

  • Any group or individuals using the facilities accept responsibility for any damage done to district property and shall reimburse the district for any such damage.

  • Only the facilities listed on the application will be used by the applicant’s group. No school materials, supplies, or equipment are to be used unless previously arranged with the Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services. The user agrees to reimburse the district for all materials used.

  • The district will be removed from any and all liability during the use of facilities by the undersigned.

  • Groups or individuals using school facilities agree to indemnify and hold harmless Burlington-Edison School District No. 100, and its appointed and elected officials and employees while acting within the scope of their duties and such, from and against all claims, demands, loss or liability of any kind of character, including costs of defense, arising out of or in any way connected with the renter’s use of the school facilities specified in this agreement.

  • Payment of any service charge shall be made in advance unless prior arrangements have been made with the Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services.

  • The Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services shall organize and schedule all activities on school property. Users will adhere to the written schedule to ensure equal access of all parties. Skagit County Parks and Recreation is responsible for scheduling on county fields.

  • Users are required to maintain the facilities, picking up and removing all refuse, litter, etc., leaving the facilities clean. Users may be denied future use if facilities are left cluttered or damaged.

  • When groups share the facilities at the same time, users will maintain a positive working relationship with each other. Issues that are not able to be resolved between the parties will be brought to the attention of the Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services.

  • Adequate supervision is required at all times. Supervisors of student activities will ensure that students arrive and leave the grounds/facilities at the appropriate time. No loitering on school property will be allowed. The district may require supervision by school district personnel.

  • Any modifications to grounds/facilities use agreements will first be authorized in writing by the Assistant Director of Auxiliary Services. Use agreements are for the duration of time identified on the application only. New application must be made for each new season/year.

  • Users agree to fully comply in accordance with the adoption of policies for the management of concussions and head injury in youth sports; as mandated in RCW 4.24.660 and chapter 28A.600 RCW if applicable.

  • Users shall be required to possess adequate insurance if the activity carries the risk of injury. Proof of adequate insurance may be requested.

  • Users agree to post the following disclaimer on any posters, handouts, cards, etc. displayed or distributed –

Burlington-Edison School District does NOT sponsor this event/activity and assumes no responsibility for the conduct or safety of the event/activity. In consideration of the privilege to distribute these materials, Burlington-Edison School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney’s fees and judgments or awards.

Failure to follow any of the above procedures may result in additional charges, forfeiture of the current use agreement, and/or future requests may be denied.

Signature of Applicant ___________________________________________ Date_________________________________

District Signature_____ ___________________________________________ Date_________________________________

Amended Date: 09.26.2022