4205 Gifts To Staff

Gifts To Staff


Students, parents, or others are discouraged from presenting gifts to staff. Instead, they are encouraged to express their commendation or gratitude in the form of letters to staff with copies to the Superintendent.


The Burlington-Edison School District appreciates that individuals or groups may wish to make contributions to the school district to establish memorials. All memorials are gifts to the district and must be accepted by the Board of Directors with the exception of scholarships that are maintained outside of the District.

Appropriate enduring memorials which may be individualized are scholarships, library/media materials, appropriate pictures, plants, and monetary gifts to specific programs or for specific building-identified needs. Large, permanently constructed memorial areas shall be limited to one per site and shall be intended for generic use to honor others also, rather than be maintained for only a particular individual. Fund-raising or dedication ceremonies will be conducted outside of the regular school day.

Within the bounds of District policy, each individual site may also develop a memorial policy that is specific to that location.


Adoption Date: 10/26/2009