4129 Family Involvement

Family Involvement

It is the policy of the Burlington-Edison board of directors to encourage and support family involvement in education at home, in our schools and communities, and in school governance. The board recognizes the diversity of family structures, circumstances, and cultural backgrounds and respects families as important decision makers for their children’s education. The Board is committed to the creation and implementation of culturally inclusive and effective school-family partnerships throughout the school district and in each school, and believes these partnerships to be critical to the success of every student. The district’s family involvement efforts will be comprehensive and coordinated.

The board recognizes that family involvement in education has a positive effect on student achievement and is an important strategy in reducing achievement gaps. The intent of this policy is to create and maintain a district-wide climate conducive to the involvement of families and to develop and sustain partnerships that support student learning and positive child and youth development in all schools.

The board is committed to professional development opportunities for staff and leadership to enhance understanding of effective family involvement strategies. The board also recognizes the importance of administrative leadership in setting expectations and creating a climate conducive to school-family partnerships.

In support of the implementation of this policy, a copy will be distributed to all schools, school staff, families, teachers and community members. Further, the district will provide support and guidance, to parents and teachers as they plan and implement effective family involvement efforts.

The Burlington – Edison board of directors support the development, implementation and regular evaluation of family involvement efforts that includes parents and family members at all grade levels in a variety of roles. The district will use the results of the evaluation to enhance school- family partnerships within the district.

The superintendent will develop procedures to implement this policy.


Adoption Date: 10/26/2009