4000P Procedure
Public Information Program
Principals are encouraged to initiate media coverage of their school programs and activities. The superintendent shall authorize the release of information when the topic being covered involves more than one building. The following guidelines relate to the public information program:
Media representatives shall be supplied factual information with the request that they not publish or broadcast any facts which are injurious to staff or students or which would serve no constructive purpose.
Media representatives should be kept fully informed on all aspects of the program so thatany reporting shall be done on the basis of a complete and accurate overview.
Student should be informed that they have the right to deny an interview or photograph. A release form signed by a parent shall be secured before allowing an individual to photograph and conduct an interview that would "single out" any special education student or identify a student whose parents have signed a form to withhold directory information.
During regular school hours, all media representatives must report to the building office for identification and authorization before going to any part of the building or contacting any individual.
Staff members shall secure authorization from the principal before contacting the media on behalf of the school. This shall not preclude a staff member from contacting the media as a private individual.
Annual District Report
The Annual District Report shall include but not be limited to:
Criteria used for staff evaluations;
A summary of the student performance towards Washington State Essential Learning Requirements;
Results of district-wide achievement testing;
Budget information, including student enrollment, classroom staff, support staff, administrative staff, and special levy expenditures.
Updated: 10/26/2009