Section: 3000 - Students

Student Fees, Fines, or Charges

The district will provide an educational program for the students as free of costs as possible.

The superintendent or designee may approve the use of supplementary supplies or materials for which a charge is made to the student so long as the charge does not exceed the cost of the supplies or materials, students are free to purchase them elsewhere, or provide reasonable alternatives, and a proper accounting is made of all moneys received by staff for supplies and materials.

The board delegates authority to the superintendent or designee to establish appropriate fees and procedures governing the collection of such fees and to make annual reports to the board regarding fee schedules. Arrangements will be made for the waiver or reduction of fees for students whose families, by reason of their low income, would have difficulty paying the full fee. For programs governed by the National School Lunch Act, the USDA Child Nutrition Program guidelines will be used to determine qualification for waiver. The superintendent or designee will establish a procedure for annually notifying parents of the availability of fee waivers and reductions, including eligibility information for free or reduce-price meals.

A student will be responsible for the cost of replacing materials or property which are lost or damaged due to negligence. A student's diploma may be withheld until restitution is made by payment or the equivalency through community service. The student or his/her parents may appeal the imposition of a charge for damages to the superintendent or designee and board of directors.

The student and his/her parents will be notified regarding the nature of the violation or damage, how restitution may be made, and how an appeal may be instituted. When the damages or fines do not exceed $100, the student or his/her parents will have the right to an informal conference with the principal. As is the case for appealing a short-term suspension, the principal's decision may be appealed to the superintendent or designee and to the board of directors. When damages are in excess of $100, the appeal process for long-term suspension will apply.

Cross References:

3241 - Student Discipline

2020 - Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials

3115 - Students Experiencing Homelessness - Enrollment Rights and Services

3231 - Student Records

Legal References:

42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

RCW 28A.220.040 Fiscal support — Reimbursement to school districts — Enrollment fees — Deposit

RCW 28A.225.330 Enrolling students from other districts — Requests for information and permanent records — Withheld transcripts — Immunity from liability — Rules

RCW 28A.320.230 Instructional materials — Instructional materials committee

RCW 28A.330.100 Additional powers of board

RCW 28A.635.060 Defacing or injuring school property — Liability of pupil, parent or guardian — Withholding grades, diplomas or transcripts -- Suspension and restitution — Voluntary work program as alternative -- Rights protected

AGO 1966, No. 113 Districts - Schools - Fees — Tuition - Supplies — Authority of school districts to charge tuition fees or textbook fees

AGO 1973, No. 11 Districts - Schools - Tuition and Fees — Authority of school districts to charge various fees

Management Resources:

2019 - July Policy Issue

2018 - May Policy Issue

Policy News, June 1999 School Safety Bills Impact Policy


Adoption Date: 10.25.2021