Procedure - Associated Student Bodies

The associated student bodies (ASBs) in the schools of the district will operate within the following guidelines:


  • ASBs are mandatory whenever one or more students engage in money raising activities with the approval and at the direction or under the supervision of the district. The school principal is designated to act as the ASB for K-6 school buildings.

  • The board has authority over ASBs. ASBs are subject to the same laws as the district, including accounting procedures, budgets, and warrants.

Financial Operations

The district will have an ASB program fund budget approved by the board.

  • All ASB money is accounted for, spent, invested, and budgeted the same way as other public money.

  • Disbursements may be made either by warrant, imprest bank accounts, procurement card, or petty cash funds.

  • ASB purchases will comply with state bid procedure as outlined in the law and district bid requirements policy and procedure. Purchases of the same goods or services for more than one school will be considered together when establishing the purchase amount and applicability of bid requirements.

  • All property acquired with ASB moneys becomes property of the district.

  • ASB groups may raise private nonassociated student body fund moneys through fundraising and donations for scholarships, student exchanges, and charitable purposes. Such fundraising and donation solicitation will meet the requirements for other ASB fundraising and those requirements specific to nonassociated student body funds, including clear notice to all donors of the purpose of the fundraising. Students wishing to use district facilities to raise private nonassociated student body funds will comply with district policy and procedures regarding community use of school facilities. For handling the accounting for complex fundraising programs for private nonassociated student body fund money, the district will withhold or otherwise be compensated an amount adequate to reimburse the district for its direct costs.

  • Purposes that directly further or support the school district's program — both co-curricular and extracurricular — are suitable uses for ASB funds, if the activities are optional for students.

  • ASB funds may not be used for gifts or recognition to individuals for private benefit. Private nonassociated student body funds may be raised for scholarships, student exchanges, and charitable purposes, pursuant to district policy and procedure.

Waiver or Reduction of Fees

For a student to have a fee waived or reduced, the student or the student’s parent or guardian must ask the school principal for a waiver or reduction. The principal will then determine whether the student’s family, by reason of their low income, would have difficulty in paying the entire amount of such fees. In making that determination, the principal will consider the student’s specific circumstances, including whether the student is eligible to participate in the federal free or reduced-price meal program.

Website Publication of Program Fund Information

The district will publish the following ASB program fund information on its website:

  • The fund balance at the beginning of the school year;

  • Summary data about expenditures and revenues occurring over the course of the school year; and

  • The fund balance at the end of the school year.

The information will be published for each ASB of the district and each account within the ASB program fund. If the district website contains separate websites for schools in the district, the information will be published on the website of the applicable school of the ASB. The district will add updated annual information to its website by each August 31st, except that the district is only required to maintain the information on its website from the previous five years.

Adoption Date: 4.27.2020

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