The District anticipates that when an incident with the potential of "sudden death" occurs, trained employees who are present will react by activating the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) response. Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) will be available at designated sites for use in these incidents in an attempt to intervene through using both Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and AEDs according to the guidelines of the Washington State Department of Health. Only employees trained and certified to use District owned automated external defibrillators are authorized to use such equipment. Employees trained as Rescuers/Providers will follow these guidelines in complying with this policy. Such employees will call 911, follow CPR procedures, and retrieve the AED as training dictates.


  • Approved equipment

    • Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs): All AEDs purchased or donated for placement in district facilities must meet the requirements of, and be approved by, the Skagit County Emergency Medical Services.

    • Equipment Documentation: The District will maintain on file a specifications/technical information sheet for each approved AED model purchased by or donated to the District. Information is available upon request from the superintendent’s office.

    • The superintendent’s office will notify the local emergency medical services of the existence and location of the defibrillators.

  • Training

    • All AED Rescuers/Providers will be offered an initial training course approved by the Washington State Department of Health in the use of AEDs. Re-training of employees will be in accordance with the Washington State Department of Health training programs.

    • AED training courses will be consistent with the approved Washington State Department of Health training program.

    • Employees initially identified to receive training in the use of AEDs include nurses, athletic/activities directors, coaches, facility operations managers, security supervisors, and health room assistants. Absent a contractual requirement, participation in the training is voluntary.

    • Additional employees may be trained as identified by the building administrator.

  • Skills review, proficiency demonstrations, and medical directions.

    • AED use will be included in CPR training programs arranged by the District. Successful completion of the course requires demonstrating proficiency in adult CPR and the safe and effective use of the AED device.

    • Proficiency training for district employees certified in AED-CPR skills will be required in accordance with the Washington State Department of Health standards.

    • Medical direction will follow the Washington State Department of Health guidelines.

The following are standing orders to be followed in the event of a potential cardiac arrest where district employees are called upon to provide resuscitation procedures.


  • Accessibility, availability, and security

    • During school hours, the AED will be housed in a designated location. This location will be specific to each school but should be positioned to allow for security and visibility of the device. The location should allow employees to retrieve the device outside of normal school hours.

    • Outside of school hours, the AED may be moved from its designated location by an AED trained employee to support athletic or academic activities. A visible sign must be left in place of the AED, clearly indicating who has possession of the AED, its exact temporary location, and the estimated time of return.

    • Contracted and other community activities are neither guaranteed access to the AED, nor an AED trained employee, as part of facility use or rental contracts.

  • Routine maintenance

    • The primary maintenance schedule will be dictated by the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of each individual AED and by standards of the Washington State Department of Health.

    • The AED will perform a periodic self-diagnostic test as programmed by the Original Equipment Manufacturer. This test includes a check of battery strength and an evaluation of the internal components.

    • If the battery is found to have inadequate voltage or the AED is in need of service, as indicated on the machine by audible and/or visual prompt, the employee will immediately call the District Nurse to arrange for replacement or service.

    • A designated employee will maintain the AED according to the specifications of the OEM and according to the state guidelines and will inspect the battery and maintenance indicators, the electrodes and battery expiration dates, and the accessory pack contents.

    • A designated employee will immediately contact the District Nurse if any supplies are

      missing or will expire within the next two months, to allow time to provide replacement supplies.

    • The periodic maintenance check will be made by a designated employee and will be documented by dating and initialing the inspection card located in the AED storage cabinet.


  • Scene safety: Rescuer/Provider safety is of utmost importance. Rescuers/Providers are volunteers and are not expected to place themselves at risk in order to provide aid to others; instead, the scene or environment around a victim must be made safe prior to attempts to assist.

  • The AED trained employee shall make or cause a 911 call to be made as soon as the need to use the AED becomes apparent.

  • Recommended response to potential sudden death incidents: AED trained employees are to follow the recommendations identified by the certifying agency, as approved by the Washington State Department of Health.

Post-Event (On-Scene Coordination with Fire/Rescue and Skagit County Emergency Medical Service (EMS)

  • Event Data

  • Immediately following the incident.

    • During school hours, the supervising employee will contact the Superintendent’s Office and the District Nurse to report the event and contact the Skagit County Emergency Medical Services to retrieve the data from the AED.

    • Outside of school hours, the supervising employee will contact the Assistant Superintendent and District Nurse to report the event. The Skagit County Emergency Medical Services will be contacted on the next school business day.

    • The user of the AED shall verify that the 911 call has been made. If not, the user should immediately do so, and assure that appropriate follow-up data is made available as requested by the responding emergency service provider.

    • The supervising employee will document the name of the fire/rescue responder and forward it and a copy of the District Incident Report to the Superintendent’s Office and the District Nurse. The Superintendent’s Office will notify Risk Management on the next business day.

  • Return of AED to operational service.

    • During school hours, the District Nurse will proceed to the facility to complete a post- event checklist to ensure the AED is returned to operational condition. This will include replacement of any used single-use items stored with the AED (charged battery pack, electrodes-two sets, and accessory pouch supplies).

    • Outside of school hours, the supervising employee will contact the District Nurse who will complete a post-event checklist to ensure the AED is returned to operational condition. This will include replacement of any used single-use items stored with the

      AED (charged battery pack, electrodes, two sets, and accessory pouch supplies).

    • Critical event stress debriefing: The Assistant Superintendent and the District Nurse may arrange an informal debriefing for school District and/or community participants. EMS of Skagit County may also assist in setting up a debriefing following an incident.


RCW 4.24.300 Persons rendering emergency care or transportation -Immunity from liability - Exclusions

RCW 70.54.310 Semiautomatic external defibrillator - Duty of acquirer Immunity from civil liability

Updated 12.18