Corporal punishment is any act which willfully inflicts or willfully causes the infliction of physical pain on a student, and is not permitted.

Corporal punishment does not include:

  • The use of reasonable physical force by an administrator, teacher, other school employee or volunteer as necessary to maintain order to prevent a student from harming him/herself,other students, school staff and other persons, or property;

  • Physical pain or discomfort resulting from or caused by training for or participation in athletic competition or recreational activity voluntarily engaged in by a student;

  • Physical exertion shared by all students in a teacher directed class activity, which may include, but is not limited to, physical education exercises, field trips or vocational education projects; or

  • Physical restraint or the use of aversive therapy as part of a behavior management program in a student's individual education program which has been signed by the parent and is carried out according to district procedures in compliance with WAC 392-171-800(30).

Cross Reference:

Board Policy 3241

Corrective Actions or Punishment

Legal References:

RCW 28A.150.300 Corporal punishment prohibited -- Adoption of policy

WAC 392-400-235 Discipline — Conditions and limitations

Adoption Date: 08/24/2009