Student Driving
Students may drive automobiles to and from school. They may not be driven during the school day without the consent of the parent and principal. They may not transport another student during the school day unless consent has been granted by the student's parent.
A student may use the school parking lot subject to the following conditions:
A student must register the car in the school office. The student must possess a valid Washington driver's license and show evidence that there is a liability and property damage insurance coverage on the vehicle and acknowledge that he/she will assume full responsibility for any comprehensive or collision claims that may occur while on school property.
Students may not occupy a vehicle (without permission) during the school day.
In terms of student conduct rules, "possession" ofalcoholic beverages, illegal chemical sub- stances or opiates, firearms or a dangerous weapon shall also extend to a student's vehicle.
A student who does not conform to the above rules shall be subject to corrective action.
Date: 08/24/2009