District Continuum of Discipline Responses

Classroom Level Continuum of Responses

Type One Behavioral Violations

Level A – Type One behavioral violation initially occurs

Teacher or school personnel:

  • Reteaches behavioral expectations

  • Implements best practices and strategies that invite the student to share their perspective and explanation regarding the behavioral violation

  • Selects and implements best practices and strategies as appropriate

  • Documents interventions and monitors effectiveness

Level B – Type One behavioral violation involving unsuccessful Level A responses or repeated Type One behavioral violations within the same school day

Teacher or school personnel:

  • Reteaches behavioral expectations

  • Implements best practices and strategies that invite the student to share their perspective and explanation regarding the behavioral violation

  • Notifies the student’s parent

  • Modifies and implements best practices and strategies as appropriate

  • Documents interventions and monitors effectiveness

Level C – Type One behavioral violation involving unsuccessful Level B and Level A responses or repeated Type One behavioral violations within the same school day

Teacher or school personnel:

  • Decides whether to request classroom support from school support staff

  • Notifies and attempts to involve the parent in the resolution

  • Implements best practices and strategies that invite the student to share their perspective and explanation regarding the behavioral violation

  • Modifies and implements best practices and strategies as appropriate

  • Confers with other school personnel as appropriate

  • Documents interventions and monitors effectiveness

Administrative Level Continuum of Responses

Type Two Behavioral Violations

Level D – Classroom and administrative continuum of responses

  • Teacher or school personnel implements Level C continuum of responses as appropriate

  • Administrator or school support staff provide classroom support

  • Teacher or school personnel refers student and notifies administrator of behavioral violation

  • Administrator notifies and attempts to involve the parent in the resolution

  • Administrator confers with teacher or other school personnel and investigates evidence

  • Administrator invites the student to share their perspective and explanation regarding the behavioral violation 

    • Use school referrals and protocols as appropriate

    • Attempt restorative justice practices

    • Consider in-school suspension as appropriate (if allowable)

  • Document all referrals and actions

Type Three Behavioral Violations

Level E

  • Attempt lower level continuum of responses as appropriate

  • Student referral and investigate evidence of behavioral violation

  • Administrator notifies and attempts to involve the parent in the resolution

  • Administrator confers with teacher or other school personnel

  • Administrator invites student to share their perspective and explanation regarding the behavioral violation 

    • Follow mandatory school referrals and protocols

    • Attempt restorative justice practices and other forms of discipline

    • Consider behavior agreement

    • Consider suspension as appropriate

  • Document all referrals and actions

Type Four Behavioral Violations

Level F

  • Attempt lower level continuum of responses as appropriate

  • Student referral and investigate evidence of behavioral violation

  • Notify and attempt to involve the parent in the resolution

  • Confer with teacher or other school personnel

  • Invite student to share their perspective and explanation regarding the behavioral violation 

    • Follow mandatory school referrals and protocols

    • Attempt or consider restorative justice practices and other forms of discipline

    • Consider behavior agreement

    • Consider suspension or expulsion (if allowable) as appropriate

  • Document all referrals and actions

Type Five Behavioral Violations

Level G

  • Attempt lower level continuum of responses as appropriate

  • Follow mandatory school referrals and protocols

  • Notify and attempt to involve the parent in the resolution

  • Investigate evidence of behavioral violation and confer with other school personnel

  • Invite student to share their perspective and explanation regarding the behavioral violation 

    • Consider restorative justice practices and other forms of discipline

    • Consider behavior agreement

    • Consider suspension or expulsion (if allowable) as appropriate

  • Document all referrals and actions

Revision Dates: 10/22, 11/24