Placement of Nonresident Students
A letter with attached policy and procedure will be mailed to all nonresident students at the end of each school year explaining requirements for re-enrolling.
All applicants for nonresident attendance will be considered on an equal basis and are subject to annual renewal. Younger siblings of currently enrolled out-of-district students will be accepted for enrollment using the district standards identified in this procedure.
The district designee will accept or reject an application for nonresident admission based upon the following standards:
Whether space is available in the grade level or classes at the building which the student desires to be enrolled;
Whether sufficient and appropriate staff and related resources are available to serve the educational needs of the student.
Whether appropriate educational programs or services are available;
Whether the student’s attendance in the district is likely to create a risk to the health or safety of other students or staff; including consideration of such whether the student’s disciplinary records indicate a history of violent behavior or gang
membership, and whether the student has a history of and/or suspensions.
Whether the student fails to make satisfactory progress, or disrupts the education environment, or for poor school attendance.
Removal of out-of-district students based on space availability.
No later than June 1st, the enrollment designee will review class averages for each particular grade at each school. If a particular grade level enrollment is at or exceeds the BESD guidelines for placing nonresident students, the following procedures will be followed:
Nonresident students in the affected grade levels who have been in the district for 2 years or less will be given the option to return to their resident district or move to a school within the BESD district if there is room.
If a student is transferred to another building, that student will not be asked to move again while in the district, unless they are in violation of our out-of-district student policy.
In some instances, a student being asked to move to another building may have siblings that attend the current school. If that is the case, the siblings may stay at the current school if there is room at their particular grade level. They may also attend the same reassigned school as their sibling, room permitting.
Enrollment numbers will be reviewed again on August 20th to make final determination of placement of nonresident students.
Out-of-district kindergarten student placement will not be considered until August 20th. This includes kindergarten students who already have siblings enrolled in a school in the Burlington-Edison School District.
Students enrolled in the Burlington-Edison School District’s dual language program are exempt from these procedures because they are required to make a five year commitment to the program.
Date: 08/24/2009