The board recognizes its responsibility for the proper care of students during school hours. Stu- dents shall not be removed from school grounds, any school building or school function during school hours except by a person duly authorized in accordance with district procedures. Before a student is removed or excused, the person seeking to remove the student must present to the satisfaction of the superintendent or principal evidence of his/her proper authority to remove the student. A teacher should not excuse a student from class to confer with anyone unless the request is approved by the principal. The superintendent is directed to establish procedures for the removal of a student during school hours.
Prior to sending a student to his/her home for illness, discipline or a corrective action, the principal shall attempt to reach the student's parent to inform him/her of the school's action and to re- quest that he/she come to the school for the child. If the principal cannot reach the parent, the student shall remain at school until the close of the school day. A student may be released to a law enforcement officer in accordance with the district policy.
Cross Reference:
Board Policy 3418 Emergency Treatment
4310 Relations with Law Enforcement, Child Protective Agencies and County Health Department
Legal Reference:
RCW 28A.605.010 Removing child from school grounds during school hours--Procedure
Adoption Date: 08/24/2009