Students age 16 or older identified by themselves or staff as potential dropouts shall become a focus of attention in the following manner:

Each student and his/her counselor shall meet for the purpose of discussing the reason for de- siring to withdraw from school and the student's plans for the future, including the education- al, counseling and related services which are available within the school and/or community.

The counselor and the student's teachers shall meet to discuss the student's present status and to identify program modifications and/or options that will meet the student's present and future needs.

The student, parent, counselor, and principal shall review all pertinent information and the options that are available to the student and his/her parents.

Reasonable efforts shall be made to persuade the student to remain in school and complete requirements for a diploma. If unsuccessful at that, staff shall attempt to find placement in an appropriate alternative educational setting. Failing that, the principal shall determine if there is sufficient ground to excuse the student from continued compulsory attendance. If there is, the principal shall recommend to the superintendent that the student be excused from further school attendance. No student under the age of 18 will be permitted to withdraw unless he or she is lawfully and regularly employed and either a parent agrees that the student should not be required to attend school, or the student has been emancipated in accordance with Chapter 13.64 RCW. No student under the age of 16 will be permitted to withdraw from further school attendance unless another exception to compulsory attendance has been met.

The board directs the superintendent to submit an annual early withdrawal report which outlines the age and grade level for each student, the reason(s) for leaving and any follow-up data that has been collected after the student has withdrawn.

Persons having custody shall cause child to attend public school — When excused

28A.225.020 School's duties upon juvenile's failure to attend school

Cross References:

Board Policy 2090

Program Evaluation

Board Policy 2108

Remediation Program

Board Policy 2121

Substance Abuse Program

Board Policy 2140

Guidance and Counseling

Legal References:

Board Policy 3121

RCW 28A.225.010

Compulsory Attendance

Attendance mandatory — Age —

Persons having custody shall cause child to attend public school — When excused

28A.225.020 School's duties upon juvenile's failure to attend school

Adoption Date: 08/24/2009