Superintendent's Page

April 2024 Superintendent’s Newsletter

As we transition into the fourth quarter of the academic year, we’re filled with gratitude for our community's continuous support and proud of our students’ remarkable achievements. Here are some updates on our recent activities and some exciting events to look forward to across the Burlington-Edison School District.

Our district remains steadfast in prioritizing safety and security. We recently benefited from the expertise of a district safety consultant to help refine our emergency operations plans. We conducted an emergency “table top” training with our district administrators in April, with additional trainings planned for all staff in the Fall. Our collective efforts towards a secure learning environment are crucial, and we are thankful for the ongoing guidance from experts in this field.

This month, our students have excelled in various arenas. The Burlington-Edison High School Drama Club’s presentation of Sweeney Todd was met with enthusiasm and acclaim. Congratulations to the incredible students involved in this production. I hope that you were able to experience one of these captivating performances.

Our student athletes continue to show tremendous spirit and sportsmanship. With the postseason approaching, we look forward to supporting our teams in Baseball, Boys Soccer, Track, Girls Tennis, Fastpitch, and Golf. Additionally, our choral and band groups have shined brightly, earning top ratings at recent competitions. All students involved in cocurricular activities continue to impress!

We are proud of the leadership demonstrated by our Allen ASB students in their collaboration with Coast Salish artists and Allied Arts of Whatcom County to create a mural that celebrates inclusion and diversity. This initiative not only enhances our school environment but also strengthens community ties.

Our schools continue to draw attention for their innovative programs. Recently, West View was recognized by Dr. Michaela Miller from OSPI for its exemplary dual language program. Such recognition underscores the dedication of our staff and the effectiveness of our educational approaches.

We are committed to transparent communication concerning our district's budget challenges. In response to community interest, we will soon form budget sustainability committees to explore various strategies. These committees will play a pivotal role in guiding our financial decisions and ensuring the long-term success of our district.

As we approach the end of the school year, your continued support and partnership remains essential. The coming months are filled with opportunities for our students to showcase their skills, both academically and in cocurricular settings. Let's celebrate every milestone and support our students as they pursue excellence.

We are incredibly proud of the dedication shown by everyone in our district — from students and teachers to staff and parents. Your efforts inspire daily progress and foster a thriving educational community. Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment.

Best regards,

Dr. Chris Pearson
Superintendent, B-ESD

Dr Chris Pearson Image


Parent Advisory Committee

The Committee’s objective is to provide the Superintendent and School Board with feedback on the District’s Strategic Planning Landmark Areas: Cultural Responsiveness, Quality Instruction, Social Emotional Growth, Partnerships, and Stewardship.

The committee aims to evaluate the District’s progress on Strategic Plan Goals, Inform future decision-making and planning, and Identify future committee work.

Meeting Presentation January 16, 2024

Meeting Presentation November 21, 2023

Day 1 ED

Chris and Alejandro

One more thing - as a reminder, last year we launched an exciting new mobile app to help students, parents, and community members know what is happening at schools from their phones. Stay up-to-date with access to events, documents, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications. You can download the app for free on Google Play or the Apple App Store.